Escomatic D5 Ultra from Premier Machine Tools

Swiss Machine Tool manufacturer Escomatic have a totally different philosophy to other machine tool manufacturers. MTDCNC’s Rowan heads out to their factory to find out more. Greg Mitchell from Escomatic explains that their machines that specialise in small parts from 0.3mm to 8mm are the fastest in the world for small diameter parts. With the Escomatic D5 Ultra the material is fixed and the tool head rotates around it. The material is fed from a coil weighing around 30KG, it then passes through a straightening device in the machine before it is presented to the rotating tool head. This means the machine has an incredibly small footprint & due to the fact the coil runs continually you can gain 30-40 hours of production time compared to a bar fed machine. Escomatic machines are designed for extremely high volume parts in many different materials & market sectors. If you want to know more about these machines talk to David Dunn at Premier Machine Tools.

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