FFG Commemorates the Grand Opening of the Technology Centre

The FFG North America Technology Centre in Sterling Heights, Michigan, recently celebrated its grand opening. There were eighteen machines on show, including live cutting demonstrations. CNC equipment comprising vertical/horizontal milling and turning solutions for high-speed, die/mold, heavy-duty, multi-axis, multitasking, and high-volume machining solutions were displayed from several FFG brands, including MAG, SMS, Feeler, Leadwell, and FFG DMC. Two-, three-, four-, four+1, and full five-axis machines were on show, and two days of technical seminars were delivered by a range of FFG’s Technology Partners.

FFG’s main machine tool operation in North America, MAG, expanded in two stages in its existing manufacturing plant in Sterling Heights, Michigan. The 20,000-square-foot 2021 addition extended FFG and MAG’s spare parts warehouse and spindle/fixture build/repair activities. The Phase II expansion, which added 30,000 square feet of manufacturing floor space, was completed in 2023. FFG allocated 10,000 square feet of this Phase II expansion to the construction of its North America Technology Centre. “Our dealers in North America will use the Technology Centre to showcase to their customers and validate the applications of parts machining and processes,” says Mike Jude, FFG Americas’ director of sales. “FFG North America”

“The FFG North America Technology Centre will enable distributors, partners and end users to consult and collaborate with experts, compare different technologies, run test cuts, conduct cycle time analysis and see FFG’s machines and technologies firsthand.” From its 200,000-square-foot Sterling Heights facility, FFG offers a complete product line of machining equipment and solutions, ranging from stand-alone machines to fully integrated and automated machining lines. Brian Prina, president and CEO of FFG Americas, states, “Our Technology Centre brings multiple FFG companies together under one roof to best support and service the North America market including machine demonstrations, training, and service parts.”

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