Nuts About Bolts?
You have to be nuts about bolts, that’s very true at Mellish Engineering. But it’s not…
Welcome to Mellish 3 Pillars training centre.
Can’t let COVID stop improvement and investment in people – ‘open air’, socially distanced training room. Priceless!
Don’t get it when people say they don’t have time for training? They’re sure you’ve all heard that before.
It’s the opposite!
Mellish’s lean journey is going amazingly well – the last 4 months has been astronomical!
All are getting it now, seeing the benefits, know the words, see the words and the enthusiasm is off the Richter scale!
Mellish and Tipper – a team to be proud of!
Thanks for the support of Alan Carr who is delivering some of the training over the next 6 months – plan is to achieve 100% engagement with ALL employees. CQual Limited courses being – Problem solving, auditing, 6’s, customer satisfaction and quality awareness ( www.c-qual.co.uk ).
In-house workshops on Lean, new MRP/ERP Emax, order processing remodel, customer service to name but a few. When the industry kicks back in – watch this space!
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