Not additive or subtractive – this is a proven hybrid solution!
Are you ready to change the entire process inside your machine shop? Introducing Matsuura’s hybrid LUMEX…
Are you ready to change the entire process inside your machine shop? Introducing Matsuura’s hybrid LUMEX machine at JIMTOF!
This incredible piece of technology brings together additive and subtractive manufacturing to an application that works here and now – giving you a multifunctional process to produce parts as quickly as possible with the least effort. The result is ease of use, reduced labour, and massive time and cost savings!
Give Matsuura a buzz because they’ll make you a part that you can use in your own process, evaluate it yourself, and let the results prove it to you. Tune in to learn more with MTDCNC’s Tony Gunn and Matsuura’s Simon Chappell.
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