Could this be the fastest clamping tool in the world?
With great precision, we must have great partners. Rego-Fix in Bengaluru India is that partner bringing…
Ana Fernanda Melendez of MTDCNC and David McHenry of REGO-FIX talk about the powRgrip XL program with the PG48, a powRgrip based tooling system that goes up to 1.5 inch or 40mm maximum size. Designed to be automatically secuRgrip, the PG48 offers different options in addition to good clamping force, TIR, and vibration dampening. Essentially, REGO-FIX have taken all the benefits of powRgrip and moved it into a larger size. Targeting industries such as aerospace and space travel, the PG48 can be used pretty much anywhere. Watch the video to find out how you can get powRgrip with a very long reach.
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