A medical marvel!
A medical implant machining demonstration being showcased by Mills CNC on one of its DN Solutions’…
Mills CNC, the exclusive distributor of DN Solutions’ and Zayer machine tools in the UK and Ireland, has published a special ‘Winter Edition’ of Insight – the company’s popular, customer-facing magazine.
Available in digital format and accessed from the company’s website (www.millscnc.co.uk), this latest edition contains a retrospective overview of Mills’ business performance in 2022 – widely acknowledged by the company as being the best in its (48-year) history – as well as a number of recent customer case studies that have been completed since the last edition of Insight hit the streets in September 2022.
As well as looking back over some of the highlights of last year, the ‘Winter Edition’ also brings readers up-to-speed with news and developments occurring in 2023.
As such, pride of place is given to the new distributor arrangement Mills recently concluded with Spanish-based – Zayer Machine Tools via a special Q and A interview feature where Tony Dale, Mills CNC’s CEO, explains the distributor relationship in more detail, and explains what it means to UK and Irish component and mould tool manufacturers.
Continuing with a preview into what 2023 holds for Mills and its customers, a short pre-show article covering the company’s attendance at the Southern Manufacturing Show in February (2023) is also included in the new edition.
Concludes Tony Dale:
“2022 has been a great year for Mills CNC across the board, with machine tool sales, and sales of our automation systems (i.e., SYNERGi cells, Doosan cobots etc.), reaching all-time highs.
“Never a company to rest on its laurels, we are now firmly focused on making 2023 another landmark year for Mills CNC.
“This latest edition of Insight provides more than an inkling of how we intend to make this happen.”
The latest edition of Insight can be accessed here:
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