I&G speeds-up inspection with Aberlink

Since 1976, I&G Engineering Ltd has built a reputation for high-quality workmanship and superior customer service, proven

by long-standing customers and repeat work. For over 40 years, the Upper Swansea Valley company has witnessed continued growth and expansion has been fuelled through a program of investment in machinery, technology and in the investment of people.

Able to handle any machining project, I&G regularly take on engineering work for many diverse sectors of industry including the medical, aerospace and consumer goods sector. I&G strive to produce absolute quality and due to an increased workload and the need to speed-up throughput, quality and inspection were singled-out as an area that would benefit from further investment.

“There was a clear need to provide customers with faster more accurate results. When customers visited us and we mentioned we were looking into getting a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), they were keen to stress the importance of this technology,” explains I&G’s Engineering Director, Michael Evans.

At a time when state-of-the-art measurement capabilities have become a necessity rather than an optional inspection method, Michael said: “If a customer visits your website and sees that you don’t have a CMM, there’s a good chance they would question how parts are being measured, brush you off and move on to the next company.”

Aided by an Innovation Grant from the Welsh Government, I&G started a search into the many CMMs available on the market. Michael continues: “We had some contact with Aberlink a few years ago, but it wasn’t the right time for us to invest in the technology. We looked at other available CMMs, but numerous engineering companies surrounding us seemed to favour Aberlink CMMs.”

Sold as a complete inspection solution, I&G placed an order for an advanced Axiom Too CNC CMM with large 640 by 1500 by 500mm measurement volume and a fully motorised probe head. Now installed in a dedicated inspection area, the company is already benefitting from the speed and accuracy that the Axiom CNC CMM offers.

Michael explains: “We produce anything from 1-offs to thousands of parts, so the reason we chose the CNC model of Aberlink’s Axiom Too is to allow multiple setups on the CMM for carrying out repeat work. The operator can simply pick a measurement program, put the parts on and leave them to be rapidly and fully inspected. This is freeing our staff to continue with other tasks. The Axiom Too is saving us so much time on the inspection and the CMM’s overall ease of use has resulted in rapid and enhanced quality control for all of our customers.”

Designed and manufactured by Aberlink, one of the largest UK owned Coordinate Measuring Machine manufacturers, the Axiom Too is the complete inspection system, a turnkey solution to meet the most demanding measurement requirements.