Streamline audits and accreditation

Just how simple is PSL Datatrack? We’re about to find out on the MTDCNC Technical Corner. Colin Griffiths and Geoff Gartland discuss how the incredible production control software helps with accreditation and streamlining processes. Geoff shares that providing core traceability, which is PSL Datatrack’s key strength, helps you get through the paperwork. The software offers a nice and simple way to report on everything by performing various functions within the system, like scanning documents or running updates as you go through the business. What if auditors are coming in soon? Geoff explains how users simply go to a works order, run one report, and can see a documents facility that presents everything together, giving the auditor great confidence of complete traceability. Hear Geoff’s take on storage of documentation and the fantastic reviews from customers such as Adam from G23 Engineering.

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