Clive Leonard of 1st MTA discusses three of the most popular full length bar feeders

The Maestro of bar feeders, Clive Leonard from 1st MTA, is at MTDCNC’s Technical Corner to educate us on bar feeding automation technology. Giovanni and Clive discuss the three most popular full length bar feeders in the UK. IEMCA’s Elite, Boss, and Maestro bar feeders cover sliding head, hybrid, and fixed head lathes respectively. With fast technology and built-in synchronization, IEMCA full length bar feeders allow you to reduce setup times, eliminate vibrations, achieve 24/7 unmanned running, safely load bars into machines, and reap the benefits of Industry 4.0. Achieve instantaneous ROI with full length bar feed technology and a bar change time under 20 seconds with the Boss Superfast HD range!

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