Thorlabs triple their output with a massive investment in Kitamura from Allendale Machinery Systems!

Thorlabs’ largest investment ever delivers 160 hours of machining a week with only one shift! MTDCNC’s Tony Gunn interviews Patrick Mulvoy of Thorlabs to find out why the company chose Kitamura and how the cellular setup brought tremendous payback for a global company with over 2,500 employees. Having trouble satisfying their bill of materials, Thorlabs needed a setup that could produce their weekly yield for all components. The 60-pallet Kitamura machine with a high-capacity tool changer and 314 tools enabled Thorlabs to run a mix of jobs through the night. Find out more from Patrick about the longevity, reliability, and flexibility of Kitamura and the incredible support of Allendale Machinery Systems.

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