Reduce setup times with the BNGX high feed milling cutter from Dormer Pramet!
Why use a high feed cutter over an end mill? It’s faster, more economical, and highly…
Are you struggling to find the right tools for roughing or finishing? The Face Mill from Dormer Pramet gives you the best of both worlds! MTDCNC’s Rowan Easter-Robinson meets Tom Berrill of Dormer Pramet at their Productivity Centre for an exciting demonstration. Tom showcases the ONMX Face Mill on P20 steel at a cutting speed of 240 VC. Programmed using Fusion360 and pulling only 50% spindle load, the ONMX Face Mill delivers an exceptional cut at a metal removal rate of 550. Hear more from Tom to find out how the right metal removal rates, the right grade of insert, and softer entries give you the perfect surface finish with a roughing insert that’s not even designed for finishing!
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