CEVISA Unveils Cutting-Edge Welding Solutions at BIEMH 2024

CEVISA, a leading company specializing in industrial solutions for welding preparation, was excited to announce its participation in the 2024 Biennial International Machine-Tool Exhibition (BIEMH) in Bilbao. Visitors could find CEVISA at Pavilion 2, Stand C-28.

CHP 30G – Portable Milling Machine

The CHP 30G was a portable milling machine ideal for creating bevels with precise machined surfaces and variable angles ranging from 15 to 70 degrees. It was designed to handle thicknesses from 3 to 50 mm and bevel lengths up to 30 mm. Known for its robustness and user-friendly operation, its key features included:

  • Exceptional machined finish
  • Adjustable forward thrust and RPM
  • 4-bar pneumatic fastening system

These features ensured vibration-free, quiet operation, maintaining high performance across various materials.

CHP 60G INV – Innovating Bevellers

The CHP 60G INV represented a breakthrough in automatic bevelling technology. Specifically designed for bottom beveling on thick metal sheets and tough materials like Hardox or Duplex, this machine:

  • Handled thicknesses from 10 mm to 70 mm
  • Created bevels up to 60 mm in length

Its seamless integration with the CHP-60G enabled production of K and X bevels without flipping sheets, effectively doubling productivity with minimal labor, reducing production costs by more than 50%.

Live Demonstrations

Throughout BIEMH 2024, CEVISA showcased live demonstrations of its machines, highlighting the CHP 60G INV’s precision and speed in applying stainless steel bevels, particularly appealing to bridge builders and civil engineers.

Versatile Applications

Beyond welding preparation, CEVISA machines found applications across diverse industrial sectors. For example, the CHP 60G portable milling machine was pivotal in large-scale projects such as construction and wind power, handling top and bottom bevels on sheet metal ranging from 4 mm to 100 mm thickness, even with highly resistant materials, without requiring substantial additional equipment investments.

Commitment to Innovation

In response to increasing demand for specialized welding solutions, CEVISA’s technical team had developed a J bevel device, offering a consistent 8 mm radius suitable for J or U bevel weld configurations. CEVISA remained committed to continuous innovation and adapting to customer needs worldwide, ensuring comprehensive and customized solutions.

By summarizing the article and highlighting key points, the title “CEVISA Unveiled Cutting-Edge Welding Solutions at BIEMH 2024” captures the essence of CEVISA’s participation and innovations showcased at the exhibition.

Original source AFM

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