CPAP and ‘’VentilatorChallengeUK’’  THREADS.    

Over the last week DC SWISS UK have provided threading solutions for both the projects named above.  We would like it to be known we are happy to share this information with end user machine shops & our competitors to maximise the efficiency of our countries response to this urgent demand.  This will allow us all to share the application requirements i.e. programming data, cutting data, best machining techniques & thread tolerances plus the actual tooling itself of course.   The thread demand on these components are not without difficulty so if you would like further information on the solutions we arrived at please do not hesitate to contact either of the people below.  Lastly, our tooling stock is limited so we welcome support from our friendly competitors to tackle this problem together.


Please contact Ian Mclean – 07860 801292 or Jon Blake  –  07903 232940 from DC SWISS UK