Did you know you can now turn on a FANUC ROBODRILL?

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of enhanced capabilities with ROBODRILL machines! Widely recognised for their exceptional speed, flexibility, accuracy, and unwavering reliability, ROBODRILL machines are taking innovation to the next level. What’s the latest game-changer you ask? Introducing the DD201 high-speed rotary table from NIKKEN, seamlessly integrated to empower these machines with unparalleled turning capabilities.

In this ground-breaking evolution, witness the fusion of precision engineering and cutting-edge technology. The addition of the DD201 high-speed rotary table opens up a realm of possibilities, allowing ROBODRILL machines to transcend their renowned attributes and delve into the realm of turning operations.

As we delve deeper into this transformative upgrade, you’ll discover the seamless integration of the NIKKEN rotary table, a testament to precision and reliability. This not only expands the machine’s repertoire but also elevates its performance to new heights.

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