Nakamura-Tome, helping to make manufacturing fun again

Jundi Oyama from Japanese Machine Tool manufacturer Nakamura-Tome tells MTDCNC’s Ana Fernanda their mission is to bring the fun back into engineering. With parts becoming more and more complex Nakamura-Tome are helping to reduce the burden with more intelligent software and new technologies. The new Nakamura-Tome SC-100X2 is a twin-turret, multitasking machine which utilizes two tools on either side of the upper turret for superimposed machining, making the machine perfect for intricate complex parts. User-friendly software allows you to program superimposed and multi-turret jobs as easily as single-turret operations, all accessible from a FANUC 0i-TF Plus control. The software package also includes features such as the NT-Nurse system, NT- Smart Sign, NT-Navigator, oscillation turning and thermal compensation artificial intelligence. Call Nakamura-Tome now and let them help you put a smile back on your face.

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