The Hone-All Precision Limited Blog New Hone-All Website Is Now Ready & Live

Over the past few months we have been working hard on getting our new website ready to launch. The current website has served us well but is showing its age. The last significant update took place in 2016 and didn’t go far enough to address its structural problems – the site was a good few years old even then. For the new website we have updated both the design and content. New Design You’ll notice some big improvements in how the new website looks and feels: Mobile responsive design: View the new website on any size screen. The site is coded so it responds to the device you are using and looks good at all screen resolutions. (We are aware that the current website doesn’t look its best on small screens.) Intuitive navigation: Find all the information you need from an intuitive, easy-to-use navigation menu on the homepage. Fast loading: All the images, video and other content on the new site are optimised for web so they load quickly on any connection speed and device – no more waiting for pages to load. Easy contact: We have embedded a number of communication options into the new website to make it easy to get in touch with us by email, contact form or social media. New Content We have taken the opportunity to overhaul our website content. You can look forward to the following improvements: Better integration with blog: Previously our website and blog were only partially connected. The new site makes all the blog content directly accessible from the main website, as well as our YouTube videos, tweets and Facebook updates. New multimedia content: We’ve created new infographics, web pages, articles and explanatory videos specifically for the new site. More information: The new website includes updated service pages giving more information about what we offer and providing the means to find out more. Free downloadable content: Visitors now have the opportunity to download useful free resources from the website, including our e-book: Your Guide to Deep Hole Drilling, Boring & Honing Costs

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