Why have they invested in seventy of these machines from one supplier?
Would you partner with the same machine tool supplier for 14 years? That’s what’s happened between…
Can your machine handle parts less than a micron? Incredibly accurate, flexible, and quick, the automated Exeron MP9 is a game changer for high-mix low-volume production! Tony Gunn of MTDCNC and Keith Kauzlarich of YCM Alliance dive into the highly precise linear motor machine that offers an HSK-50 spindle, 36,000 RPM, and the flexibility to switch between graphite and steel cutting. Designed to be super-fast at 60 meters a minute, the machine delivers ultimate reliability and precision with exceptional lead times, maximum throughput, and quality parts. Hear more from Keith on the German-made 5-axis trunnion machine and how it can be automated to deliver 6,000 hours a year of throughput!
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