This beautiful piece of art is a perfect example of ultimate precision and accuracy from YASDA, Mastercam, and Methods!

To prove the precision and accuracy that YASDA can bring for lights out manufacturing, what better way to demonstrate than through an incredible partnership between Methods Machine Tools and Mastercam! MTDCNC’s Tony Gunn meets Kevin Lichtenberg of Methods Machine Tools and Chad Chmura of Mastercam for insight on the partnership that resulted in 110 hours of run time on the YASDA PX30i – creating a stunning masterpiece replica of the statue of Winged Victory of Samothrace. With a tenth accuracy, 323 position tool changer, and 33 pallets, the 5-axis PX30i can achieve extreme surface finishing and contouring capability. Watch the video to learn more about YASDA’s excellent thermal stability and the brilliant technical capabilities of Mastercam and Methods Machine Tools.

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