Aeroex Mist-Fit MF-550 – a filtration unit you can set and forget!

If you’ve overlooked filtration in your machine shop, this video is for you! The wrong filtration can cause stressful situations, leading to machine downtime and huge financial losses. Fortunately, the Aeroex Mist-Fit MF-550 is a perfect unit for 90% of all machines out there! Join Tony Gunn of MTDCNC and Markus Kompp of Aeroex to find out how shop floors benefit from a clean environment, happy operators, and quick and easy installation that saves time and money. With it’s 30-minute maintenance time, quick and straightforward filter replacement, and minimal air consumption, the MF-550 reduces slip hazards, improves operator productivity, and helps prevent damage to CNC machines and electrical components! Watch the video to learn more about the most popular Aeroex filtration unit that you can set and forget.

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