In 2023, Phillips Industries will relocate its manufacturing to Mexico

By the end of 2023, Phillips Industries plans to establish full-time operations close to Monterrey, Mexico, and relocate its manufacturing base from China to North America

Phillips declared, “Mexico is a terrific environment to operate, with incredible leadership, and a great college system. According to them, the  company already employs 1,600 people in Mexico, and as manufacturing shifts, that number will rise. He pointed out that the move to Mexico opens up new opportunities.

Furthermore, Phillips announced the establishment of a new subsidiary division called Phillips Innovation, which would first collaborate with three businesses to develop commercially available technology that will mostly be utilized on trailers.

Three areas will receive the majority of Phillips Innovation’s attention: creating EV power systems for trailers, boosting trailer visibility using cameras and radar devices, and developing sustainable energy systems for tractors and trailers.

The first collaboration is with Spartan Radar, an aerospace and defense company with headquarters in Los Alamitos, California, which, according to Phillips, is developing a small radar system to help drivers see better and give them early alerts when another car is approaching a truck.

The second collaboration is with Merlin Solar, a company with headquarters in San Jose, California, that has already installed solar panels on trailer roofs.

Nussbaum Transportation, based in Hudson, Illinois, has installed some, and according to Phillips, one of the fleet’s drivers recently powered his truck for the duration of a 34-hour rest break exclusively using power provided by the panels.

The third collaboration is with ProEV, a producer of high-voltage harnesses with headquarters in Pointe-Claire, Quebec. The aim of this partnership, according to Phillips, is to layer his company’s current low-voltage harnesses with the higher voltage components for the industry’s upcoming development of hydrogen and battery/electric vehicles.






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