DMG MORI Manufacturing USA Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

On Oct. 7, 2022, DMG MORI Manufacturing USA Inc. (DMM) celebrated the 10-year anniversary since its grand opening in Davis, California. This location is said to be home to some of the latest automation technology, as well as horizontal machining center (HMC) excellence. Since 2012, more than 3,100 machines have been manufactured and sent to customers in the U.S., Canada and South America; this includes the NHX, ALX and CMX V series.

The NHX series, a high precision and high-speed HMC, is capable of high-efficiency, continuous machining for various industries including automotive, aerospace, machinery, and other mechanical equipment, according to the company. The latest models in the series are equipped with thick, rigid beds for maximum stability and come with spindles ranging from 8,000 to 30,000 rpm.

The CMX V series, a vertical machining center (VMC), offering high milling performance and known for its meticulous attention to detail, is also manufactured at DMM. With the ability to provide robust machines that can serve more customers for a longer time, DMG MORI notes that these models have been revered as highly reliable and versatile in many industries.

While the amount of growth in technology present at the factory has been significant, there has also been development with building the skillset of the local workforce in the community.  In fact, the amount of expatriates working at DMM decreased by 70% from 2012 to 2022. “When the factory opened in 2012, a great deal of employees were expatriates from Japan with specific skillsets,” Anthony Serra, executive vice president of DMM, explains. “However, we have since expanded and trained the workforce here at DMM. We now have a large amount of local skilled employees from our own community.”

In addition, DMM prides itself on becoming a heavily automated facility that manufacture machine tools, using these developments to educate U.S. customers about the benefits of investing in automation. Customers can experience linear pallet pool systems (LPP) and round pallet system (RPS) which are both produced and manufactured in Davis, California.

“Automation has been a key element of digital production at the Davis factory,” John McDonald, executive vice president of DMM, adds. “ The linear pallet pool system that is manufactured here in Davis can be equipped with multilevel pallet racks to accommodate a higher level of automation. A substantial amount of customers are astonished by the level of convenience this technology can provide while they are engaging in other tasks.”

Though advanced technology has been a major factor in the evolution of the factory, President Marlow Knabach attributes much success to employees that have contributed their knowledge and hard work to further progress DMM. “It is only with the effort of our employees at DMG MORI Manufacturing USA Inc. that we have made pivotal strides to become an industry leader with a strong presence in the local communities,” Knabach emphasizes.

Holding high importance to contributing to organizations and initiatives in the local community, DMM has hosted various events for local organizations such as Boy Scouts, Citrus Circuits Robot Team, Explorit Science Center and several other organizations, in order to cultivate and encourage science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.


Item sourced on Modern Machine Shop

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