Measurement for any environment

Aberlink will exhibit several new metrology products at MACH with the new second-generation Extol shop-floor CMM and the Horizon CMM. On Stand 507 in Hall 19, the Extol will be on show and it is available in two sizes. It also supports touch-probe and contact scanning. 

The Aberlink CMM can error map the forty-two degrees of freedom found within a non-cartesian delta mechanism and considering the measuring range offered by the two different sized Extol CMMs, their overall footprint is very compact. The Extol CMM can be installed exactly where it is needed on the shop floor. 

Aberlink will also show the new linear drive Horizon CMM. It is manufactured with frictionless linear drives and the isolated kinematic drive structure is completely independent of the CMM structure to ensure the motor thrust is directed through the centre of gravity of the moving parts. This avoids acceleration induced metrology errors and thermally isolates the linear motors from the metrology structure of the CMM. A non-homogenous X-beam optimises the stiffness-to-weight ratio along the entire axis. 

Aberlink will also exhibit a new manual measuring machine. The new Fulcrum machine uses a three rotary axis design to enable fast and accurate 3D inspection of parts. This desktop measuring machine enables high accuracy easy to use manual inspection next to the machine tools where the parts are produced. The software interface has been streamlined to make it easy for people with no previous CMM experience to quickly and intuitively start measuring parts with the minimum of training.