Prime Minister Visits Bauromat UK Limited Customer

Prime Minister Visits Bauromat UK Limited Customer
Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited one of Bauromat UK Limited’s customers in Sunderland in January, as the Government held a cabinet meeting in the North East on Brexit Day.

In support of UK Manufacturing and promoting industry following the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, the Prime Minister visited the University of Sunderland’s SAM Project, in which Bauromat has recently installed a HiArc Compact welding cell.

The SAM Project (Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing) is a project aimed to support product, process and technology developments within the SME manufacturing base in the North East and surrounding areas.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson visiting bauromat’s welding system
Bauromat UK Limited’s contribution includes an entry-level welding cell featuring a Fanuc robot and Abicor Binzel robotic welding power source and torch, providing the benefits of automation, as well as a system to learn the basics on, to a host of companies and students in and around the North East.

“We’re really honoured to have had the Prime Minister give us his time and look at our welding system” said Managing Director John D’Angelillo

It’s great to be able to show the benefits of automation and robotics at the highest level and across the national news. We want this to be the starting point of 2020, Brexit and beyond.

Bauromat welding cell visited by prime Minister
The Prime Minister spent time with each area of the SAM Project including advanced machining, measurement and material forming while learning about the benefits of automated welding in the robotics and automation area under the tutelage of the Bauromat welding system and its Service & Support Manager Steffan Willetts.

The Prime Minister’s visit and surrounding media coverage has given Bauromat UK Limited an excellent boost in 2020 as the Telford-based automation solutions provider continues to be a flag bearer for automation, robotics and the benefit they can have for manufacturing throughout the UK.

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