New TMC Vertical Machining Centres available from stock at XYZ Machine Tools
MACHINES IN STOCK – Introducing the TMC, aptly named for its excellence as a Toolroom Machining…
XYZ Machine Tools was pleasantly surprised by the number of companies and people attending the opening of its latest showroom. Located just off the M62 near Huddersfield the 5000 ft2 showroom contains an extensive selection of XYZ Machines, all under power and available for customer demonstrations and training.
Speaking of the open day, XYZ Machine Tools’ Managing Director Nigel Atherton says: “Because of its location we expected a good response from customers, but even we underestimated the turnout. In total we had 94 people from 55 companies attend the day, about 50 per cent more than we anticipated, even the 40 space car park was overflowing at times. Overall it was very encouraging and indicates that there is still lots of positive sentiment in the manufacturing sector.”
Thanks to its proximity to the motorway network, visitors travelled from across the north of England for the open day with orders being placed for six machines and many requests for quotes being fulfilled. “The machine orders on the day were very good and with the level of interest being shown we expect a good level of business to materialise from the event. So, overall, we can say it was a roaring success and fully justified the investment we have made in the showroom.”
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