Unmasking Precision in Tool & Mould

Dive into the intricacies of the tool and mould world with Tony Gunn from MTDCNC as he tours the impressive American Tool and Mould facility with expert Steve Cochenour. Uncover how the Kitamura Bridge Center-125 is revolutionizing precision and efficiency in the industry. Why is this video a must-watch? We’re bringing you a firsthand experience of a machine that’s setting new standards in positional accuracy and repeatability. Plus, get insights on seamless integrations with different machine controllers, and witness the unmatched service support in action. Don’t stop here; explore more on precision machining and innovation in the industry! 🔧🔍 #AmericanToolandMould #Kitamura #PrecisionMachining #MTDCNCNorthAmerica #ToolAndMouldIndustry

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