Manleo Tough Probing Systems, Designed in India, Built in India

Abhijith Bhat, Managing Principal at Manloe tells us how the company was founded in Bangalore in 1998 by his farther who designed & manufactured a probing solution for CNC machines. His farther sadly passed away in 2006 and for the next few years growth was small, but in 2020 Abhijith quit his job in IT and moved into Manleo full time to push the business forward. With over 4,000 Manleo probing systems installed across India and small numbers of units sold in Western Europe and USA Manleo are looking in increase their list of distributors for their product range, both at home and throughout the rest of the world. As MTDCNC’s Ashutosh Arora discovers these are tough probes customised for Indian working conditions. Accurate to 2 microns these rugged probes can take 30KG of force and have an average life span of 15 years. Designed & built in India using Indian products this is great measuring system.

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