EMTA – Automating existing machine tools

EMTA – Automating existing machine tools (https://youtu.be/AHQrKaRM8qU)

Automation is highly relevant now more than ever. The proven profitability and process improvements, the lack of a skilled workforce, and the recent software and hardware technology leaps-particularly in robotics, connectivity, and production planning software – are all converging into an explosion of manufacturing advancement. Automation will help you surf on and not get hit by such a wave of advancement, and it is NOT the privilege of new machine tool investments; automation existing machine tools (EMTA) is a viable and recommended option.

In this episode of FastTALKS, Bulza Krajkova interviews Teemu-Pekka Ahonen (Product manager) and Heikki Hallila (Vice president) from Fastems’ part handling automation unit, on the ways and opportunities in automating existing CNC machine tools. Myth or daily business? Listen to find out!

Interested in seeing if your existing machine tools can be automated? Do the test! https://www.fastems.com/existing-machine-tool-automation-calculator/

Want to learn more about the benefits that automation can have? https://www.fastems.com/cnc-automation-benefits/

Want to see Fastems automation in practice? Read these case stories https://www.fastems.com/case/joensuun-cnc-machining/



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