Automate Cutting Tool Transfers and Service with Fastems

Automate Cutting Tool Transfers and Service with Fastems

Maximizing Utilization with Tool Automation

Do you need a large variety of different or expensive tools? Are you planning to increase unmanned running time and productivity? Do you worry about labor costs and availability?

The solution is Fastems Tool Automation. It enables the use of small tool magazines, eliminates human errors and reduces capital investment in tools. Machine control integration enables a machine tool to start machining even if all the required tools are not in its magazine. Real time information of needed tools is always available. Tool Automation is also a part of the industry’s most advanced production planning and execution software, MMS.

There are 2 types of tool automation

CTS – Central Tool Storage The Central Tool Storage is designed for large numbers of tools and is built on the factory floor level. There are two robots: one taking care of tool storage and another delivering the tools to CNC machines.

GTS – Gantry Tool Storage The Gantry Tool Storage is built above the machine tools and thus saves floor space. Tools are stored centrally and delivered to machine tools with a robot.

Benefits of tool automation

  • Tool sharing reduces costs
  • Real time information of needed tools with automatic scheduling
  • Tool availability just in time
  • No tool data or human errors
  • Extended unmanned production hours
  • Labor savings

Interested to learn more about tool automation? Visit our website Fastems | Tool automation for maximized machine tool utilization

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