Global Industrie 2025: Industry’s voice

From March 11 to 14, 2025, Global Industrie’s ‘Grande Scène’ will welcome executives, experts, researchers, investors and young talents who will share their vision of the industry and address the strategic challenges of the sector. Through the interventions and exchanges, Global Industrie will carry all the voices that will build the industry of tomorrow.

These presentations will cover the major current issues of French and European industry through the prism of the human element, the common thread of this 7th edition: sovereignty, innovation, attractiveness of professions, territories, financing, industrial collaborations, competitiveness, international, energy, digital and environmental transitions…

Complementary to the ‘Grande Scène’, GI TV will provide visibility for manufacturers on partner audiovisual media.

People at the heart of tomorrow’s industry

This year, La Grande Scène highlights a fundamental subject: rethinking the place of the human being in the light of technological developments. Industrial innovation is no longer conceivable without a strong match between technological progress and the development of human skills. How can the creative potential of employees be unleashed and technology and know-how aligned? These high-level exchanges will explore these major issues.

These interventions include:

Conquering the world market

Tuesday, March 11, 2:45p.m.


. Mohed Altrad – Founder and Chairman – Altrad Group

. Thierry de la Tour d’Artaise – Chairman – Groupe SEB

Industrialists’ priorities

Wednesday, March 12, 12 p.m.


. Laurent Tardif – CEO Southern Europe / President – Prysmian Group / FIEEC

. Raphaël Gorgé – Chairman – Chief Executive Officer – Groupe Gorgé

. Alexandre Mérieux – Executive Chairman – BioMérieux

The switch to electric, we’re there!

Thursday, March 13, 10:10 a.m.


. Xavier Piechaczyk – President – RTE

. Marianne Laigneau – Chairman of the Management Board – Enedis

. Jean-Philippe Laurent – Director of Strategy and Development – EDF

To download the full Global Industrie 2025: Industry’s voice press release, complete the form below

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