Tecnomagnete MillTec Grip

Detailed Specification

The Tecnomagnete MillTec Grip revolutionizes the concept of magnetic clamping on milling machines and machining centres. Now you can perform a real uniform clamping, i.e. between the workpiece and the magnetic surface and at the same time between the magnetic system and the machine table.

Eliminate any possible bending or deformation caused by the mechanical clamping elements ensuring perfect stability and structural uniformity to the workpiece, the magnetic chuck, and the machine.
The complete elimination of all vibration enables greater precision for a higher quality part, less tool wear, and faster feeds and speeds can be achieved, reducing cycle times.
The workpiece is always fully accessible on five faces, improving the tool path in all machining operations. Set-up and changeover times are drastically reduced, even with multiple workpieces.
For irregular workpieces, self-shimming pole extensions are available which raise the workpiece up and self-adjust to any dimensional variance.
No power is required during machining. All it takes to activate the system is a short electric pulse lasting just a few seconds. The power source can then be removed and the workpiece will remained clamped with no time limit, ensuring a completely safe and secure machining environment.